Photo / Luke Thornborough / DoC

Podcast Launch, Tree Planting Success, and School Project Call for Donations: Aotea News Roundup

As winter comes to a close – although with the recent rough weather it might not feel like it – here’s a glimpse of three things that have been happening across our island community.

Photo / Luke Thornborough / DoC

Small Island Big Ideas Podcast Connects Aotea to the World

Small Island Big Ideas (SIBI) is embarking on a global journey with their new podcast series “Outside In”. The team is connecting with small islands worldwide that have undergone remarkable transformations through innovative ideas. With three episodes already recorded, the series is set to launch in early September during the Festival of Adult Learning. If you know of a small island with an inspiring story, contact the team at

Conservation Volunteers Plant 757 Trees on Aotea

Aotea welcomed three dedicated conservation volunteers in July, who braved torrential rain to plant over 700 trees. Amy Dent, Tejo Schie, and Andrea Oberg worked alongside the DOC team, planting pōhutukawa trees at Awana Beach campsite and mixed native trees at Woolshed wetland. The project enhances habitats for native bird species and showcases the island’s commitment to conservation.

Digging deep for a greener future! Volunteers and DOC rangers team up to plant 757 native trees on Aotea. Photo / Luke Thornborough / DoC

Calling All Building Materials for Kaitoke School Kitchen Project!

University of Auckland architecture students are seeking building materials to create a unique food preparation and cooking station for Kaitoke School. From polycarbonate sheeting to steel beams, they are open to all sorts of donations. If you have spare materials lying around, contact Louis on or 021 895 558. The students will be on the island from August 26th to 28th to collect donations and visit the school.


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