Lisa Blair. Photo / Instagram

Catch Lisa Blair’s Historic Record Attempt Around Aotea

Locals on Great Barrier Island can witness history in the making as record-breaking solo sailor Lisa Blair passes the island’s coast today in her yacht Climate Action Now. Blair began her attempt to set a new circumnavigation record at 8 a.m. (NZST), departing Auckland and sailing around New Zealand’s coastlines.

At around midday, Blair will sail past the southern coast of Aotea, giving residents a chance to see her in action as she navigates up the east coast of the motu and on to Cape Reinga. Supported by the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS), her journey started at Westhaven Marina and will cover over 2,200 nautical miles, requiring her to enclose all islands and rocks within 8 nautical miles of New Zealand.

Blair recently set the solo monohull Sydney-to-Auckland record at 8 days, 3 hours, and 19 minutes. This new challenge will test her resilience over an expected 18-day journey down New Zealand’s west coast. Navigating treacherous winds through Cook Strait and battling rogue waves off the South Island, while relying on 20-minute micro-sleeps to stay alert.

Known for her climate advocacy, Blair’s yacht is adorned with thousands of community messages promoting environmental action. Locals can follow her progress via a live tracker online or see her feature-length documentary Ice Maiden at the Doc Edge Festival this June and July.

The attempt, to be ratified by the RNZYS, Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, and World Sailing Speed Record Council, will challenge Blair to include all islands and rocks within New Zealand waters.

Waves, Woods, and Wonders: Discover Aotea, Great Barrier Island

Follow Blair’s ambitious voyage, on social media.


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